Saturday, April 8, 2017


In the first post, I stated that my two objectives at the end of this module are to improve confidence for conversing with others and improve relationship building with others. As the module is ending, I am writing my last post to reflect upon what I have achieved. I realised that I had been able to achieve my objectives. This is a resultant effect of the knowledge imparted in each section of the module - verbal and non-verbal communications, emotional intelligence, and conflict management.

Firstly, the verbal and non-verbal communications had taught me how to effectively understand and convey a message. This led to my gain in confidence during the conversation as I find myself in more engaging conversations. For example, during lunch one day, I noticed my friend's unusual liveliness from his tone and facial expression. All I expressed was a little curiosity of what it could have been, and we went on to talk about it for almost an hour. He said it was about the wonderful weekend he had spent gazing at aeroplanes take-off at the Changi beach. Through that conversation, though simple, I found out what interests him.

Secondly, by understanding emotional intelligence, my social skills had been improved. By having more self-awareness and self-regulation, I can control my emotions and refrain from getting into a conflict. A few days ago, my team member with I had paired up for electronics lab was in a bad mood. I merely commented that his solutions were wrong, and he just got mad and told me to do it instead. While I was aware of my uprising temper, I kept calm and remain task focused. I took the time to analyse his solutions step by step to rectify, on the side, I allowed him to cool himself. When I was done rectifying his solutions and presents it to him, he apologised and clarifies that he was in a bad mood as he was feeling unwell. If I were to react impulsively, we could have gotten into an argument which would only hinder our progress

Finally, conflict management skills to maintain relations and progress during inevitable times of different opinions. Conflict management often requires emotional intelligence in order to have the empathy to understand the other party’s opinion.

Thus, I am satisfied with the results of this module which enables me to gain confidence and build rapport with others.